Whether it is a spouse or an aging parent, we can all feel the obligation needed to take care of them as they require help in their elderly years. You may feel the need to do everything for them and begin sacrificing your own personal and work life to do so. It is important to know some of the common stresses that can be experienced as a caregiver to avoid any unnecessary downfalls to you or them.
A few of the signs you will need to have self-awareness around in order to identify if you need additional help are:
- Emotions Swing Wide: One of the common stressors we find caregivers run into is going from one extreme emotion to another. You might be extremely frustrated with a loved one that is refusing to go to their doctor’s appointments or feeling very alone.
- Trouble Sleeping: The stress that comes with caregiving can be so great that it affects your sleep patterns. It can be exacerbated if your loved one struggles with mobility or has a medical condition that keeps you up at night assisting them.
- Weight Gain or Loss: A common outcome of caregiver stress is you stop caring for yourself as you throw your entirety into the care of your aging loved one. The dangers that come with improper nutrition and weight swings can cause major harm to your health.
- Strong Feelings of Resentment: One of the most painful feelings that is common for many stressed caregivers is a feeling of resentment towards their elderly loved one. It is natural if you have lost your personal life due to the level of care you have to give to your loved one.
- Your Hobbies Have Disappeared: You might be finding that you have to burn your candle at both ends to meet your professional life requirements along with the care needs of your loved one. If you used to be involved in social activities or outdoor hobbies that have now fallen to the wayside, you are likely experiencing a caregiver stressor.
It is always easy for others to tell you to take time for yourself but it is much more difficult to recognize that on your own. If you are feeling any of these stressors, it could be time to speak with Senior Living Specialists San Antonio. We can provide you with some of the best care recommendations and even work through having difficult conversations with your aging loved one to make the process as easy as possible for everyone.